23 October 2008

It Makes My Eyes Bleed

Stuff like this makes me glad that I'm heathen, atheist devil-spawn. I thoroughly suspect my downstairs neighbors are this incredibly dumb, too.


Debbie Shelden said...

It's just so dang scary. I want to think these are all scripted and fake, but of course, they're not.

Tim said...

Aren't you glad you moved to a swing state where your (potential) vote for an "Atheist Muslim" (and against nutjobs like her) might count for something?

brando said...

I didn't get to watch the madness, cause it's no longer available.

ALM said...

There - hopefully the video is working now. If not, you can search for "Why Crazy Tracy Hates Barrack Obama" on youtube...

brando said...

You couldn't very well be an Atheist and also a Devil Spawn.

You could be none, or either one independently.

But not both. Not unless you we're ignorant of your Satanic Bloodline, while boldly claiming there is no God or Devil.

But I don't think that's the case.
