05 February 2008

And the Vote Goes To...

Ron Paul!

Yes, it was the Illinois primary today and my non-mormon vote went to Ron Paul. I went to the polls early today, so I'd have time to come home before work and take a long, scalding shower to wash away my sin of asking for Republican ballot.

(I am a fiscal conservative, so it wasn't as squicky as it could have been. But the Republican stance on "morality" is so reprehensible to me that it clouds my fiscal leanings.)


JH said...

Without your support, Mitt lost his Mitt-mentum and dropped out!

ALM said...

I KNEW I'd be the deciding factor. Power to the people!

Cory said...

Ah, the gold standard.

And because of you, Ron Paul is still in it while Romney has dropped out! Well played!

ALM said...

Plus, you should have seen the gleam in the eyes of the old people election judges when I asked for a Republican ballot. You could just see them thinking "We got us a young one in the party! Yeehaw, her parents done good!"

And the look of disgust in the eye of the 30-something guy who was ahead of me in line and asked for a democratic ballot. I wanted to pat him on the shoulder and say, "Oh no - this is just so I can vote AGAINST the mormon and the evangelical. Really. I promise!"

Another interesting thing about the Republican ballot: Alan Keyes was on it in the presidential nominee race. WTF?

JH said...

Ooh! I want an Obama-Keyes debate rematch!