23 June 2008

New, Disturbing News

My hair stylist is a creationist. As in, "Attila the Hun had dinosaurs as pets."

I wasn't quite sure what to do about the information once I knew it. I know I can't do anything about it - she's free to believe whatever she likes (no matter how bad and wrong it is), but I so desperately wanted to point out such things as, oh, I don't know, the FOSSIL RECORD and CARBON DATING. But that might have caused my ear to be snipped off.

So what did I do, as she was talking about how her cousin was silly enough to believe in evolution for awhile until she, my stylist, found information on the Internet to refute evolution? I'll tell you what I did: I went "uh huh" and bit the inside of my cheek until it bled. Because when someone is hovering above you with a sharp, deadly object, the last thing you want to do is tell them they are an idiot.


Anonymous said...

There goes her tip. :)

ALM said...

LOL - she still got a tip because if I didn't I'm afraid that the next time I'm there my hair will end up bright pink (or shaved off!)

OldTim said...

You women and your relationship with your hair people. It really is an unhealthy balance of power.

Rather than let some semi-sentient being "design" my hair, I would prefer to let it evolve.