01 July 2008

The Cheesesteak and We

Your daily announcement, tepid off the presses:

Dr. Nate and I are moving to Pennsylvania. Dr. Nate took a job with Big Pharma, so we're headed to a secure location outside of Philadelphia so he can do.....whatever it is that he does for a living.

We have no place to call home yet; that information will be forthcoming. Anticipated move dates will be end of July/beginning of August. The sound you hear coming from eastern Ohio will be our cats waking up from the kitty Valium and finding that they are not pleased with their automotive environs.


OldTim said...

Sorry to hear that you'll be leaving, but I wish you guys all the best.

With D. moving, too, I'm going to feel like the last of the Mohicans (if the Mohicans were an "elite" group of drunken library school students.)

JH said...

This sounds like the back story for the protagonists in a zombie apocalypse miniseries.


Timothy Richmond said...

Congrats guys, sounds like Big Pharma finally came through, I know it was tense there for a bit. Enjoy the big city life! Oh, and don't buy a house in the same neighborhood as my other friends at Big Pharma (http://narniabound.livejournal.com)