05 November 2007


Nate is at a science! conference so I went home to visit my parents and, on my way west on I-72, came across new Guns Save Life signage. I didn't see the first of the signs, but can paraphrase the others: "...in Darfur Sudan...all started with...a gun ban...GunsSaveLife.com." Ha. Gotta hand it to the redneck milita-types: those guys can rhyme!

Other things of note: a new Nova, the title of which is "Intelligent Design on Trial." Now, I can only assume that Nova will shred the intelligent design theory to pieces, and I will be really disappointed if they don't. Then again, often I hope for programs to cut down various idiots and am disappointed at the results. I was home early from work a few Fridays ago and, flipping through the channels, and noticed that Oprah was doing a show on polygamists. Yippee (even though I can't stand Oprah, I relented for this)! But no, she was soft on 'em (so was Lisa Ling, who did some of the interviews, and whom I usually like). Lisa and Oprah even went so far as to use what they called the "politically correct" term for polygamy--"plural marriages." What the hell?! Since when has polygamy been politically correct?! Damn mormon fundamentalist.

Anyhow. One can only hope Nova does some proper intelligent design-bashing. I may have to stop giving money to PBS if they don't.

And now, your "Random picture of one of our cats" image 'o the day:


Anonymous said...

It really is unfortunate that it even made it into the courtroom, but while on trial I hope it takes a thorough butt whooping. I was reading yesterday a webpage that debunks much of the ID "science". If you are intersted here is a link.

Michael L. Heien said...

I love those "guns save life" signs. Have you checked out their web site? How about this one? JEWS FOR THE PRESERVATION
OF FIREARMS OWNERSHIP (www.jpfo.org). Check out their logo!

Anonymous said...

I once saw the "Guns Save Life" minivan parked at some house out in....st. joseph or some place like that. LOVE that jpfo logo - that's totally awesome. Perhaps I'll convert just so I can join.

I'll have to check out "millerandlevine" too!