22 January 2008

Lovely Weekend Surprise!

Dr. Nate. Ph.D, and I were walking into the crappy Urbana mall on Saturday. I needed to pick up a birthday card and a plastic storage container from the only un-crappy store in the mall: Artmart. Imagine Dr. Nate's and my surprise when a portly and strangely-clad gentleman passed us in the parking lot. Portly Guy was wearing little green boots, and a puffy shirt, and leggings and....WAIT (the moment of realization came over us at the same time)! Do you know what this meant?!

HUZZAH! Society for Creative Anachronism dorks! Our own little Darkon, right here in central Illinois.

The whole mall reeked of sweat and failure.

Alas, we had no camera with us to capture the event. But I'm sure your imagination can do it justice because it was just what you'd expect. I suspect the percentage of librarians there was 12% (+/- 2.5%). Obesity rates ranged between 45% - 55%. Morbid obesity rates were probably around 8% - 12%. Men appeared to out number the fair ladies at least 3 to 1.



Cory said...

"The whole mall reeked of sweat and failure.



JH said...

It's only a flesh wound!

Anonymous said...

"Another Twinkie and Mountain Dew, me Lord?"


JH said...

I am reminded of Westworld.